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Learners: If you want to know more about your possible career path, a personality tool can help.  CIS has section called the Career Plan where you can start with the Interest Profiler tools.   There are three assessments, one on what you like to do, one on the skills you have or are interested in, and a third that helps align occupations with what is important to you.  The assessment will provide suggestions career paths that match your choices.  Each career path offers specific occupations with summaries and details that you can check out!   Ask you teacher for more information.

Educators: If your school has not registered with the Oregon CIS, please do the following:

  • Email requesting an Oregon CIS account for your school/organization with
    • Name of school/organization
    • Address of the school/organization
    • Point of contact name who will act as the Site Coordinator for the account
      • Their email
      • Their telephone number

Once an account is created, you will take a short Site Coordinator training (offered by CIS) and then help the learners at your school on using their career assessment tools.

For Educators and Workforce Career Development Professionals

An Overview of the Oregon CIS System.

Other Career Assessments

Rogue Community College (RCC) – “Holland Codes” People and Work Styles is an online assessment providing feedback on personality traits, preferences, possible career paths and links to available RCC trainings related to matched occupations. 

Try Holland Codes